Attention Archery Deer Hunters,
Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out this survey. We would like to take a moment to inform you of recent changes to the over-the-counter, nonpermit tag archery deer season:
Arizona's over-the-counter (OTC) archery deer seasons are managed through harvest limits set by unit and species. If you harvest a deer during the OTC archery deer season, it is mandatory that you report your harvest to the Arizona Game and Fish Department within 48 hours. THIS FORM IS NOT THE HARVEST REPORTING FORM. You can report your harvest online ( or by phone (623-236-7961).
When the number of deer equaling the harvest limit for a particular unit and species has been reported killed, the unit will close to further archery deer hunting at sundown the Wednesday immediately following. Once closed, seasons will remain closed until August of the next calendar year. The Department's website will be updated continuously to reflect the number of deer harvested and open season status.
Regardless of your success, please continue to respond to the hunter questionnaire, as it provides hunter effort data crucial to the management of our state's deer populations. For more information on Arizona's archery deer season, please visit our website or call 602-942-3000.
Thank you! |